table of contents

Credit: Christopher Bosch / Military Sealift Command

No Shortage of Good Ideas to Address the Mariner Shortage

© chokniti / Adobe Stock

Seaman’s Manslaughter

Credit: Michel Sauret / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District

Embracing Human and Organizational Performance (HOP): A Paradigm Shift to Address Safety and Workforce Challenges

Credit: AWS

Apprenticeship Programs Are Key to the Future of Marine Welding

Credit: Christopher Bosch / Military Sealift Command

Maritime Employers: Working to Find Workers

Credit: Joseph DeLuco / U.S. Army

Help Wanted: US Maritime Industry Struggles to Fill Key Gaps

Credit: Diana Sherbs / U.S. Coast Guard

MARAD’s Centers of Excellence: Addressing Maritime Workforce Needs and Preparing the Next Generation

Credit: Michel Sauret / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District

Rule Change Aids US Mariners’ Return to Sea

Credit: Michel Sauret / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District

How Are Advances in Simulation Shaping the Future of Maritime Training?

©Alex / Adobe Stock

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